Its been a while since we posted a new blog, but whilst a lot of things have been happening there have been long delays and frustrations so everything has taken a lot of time. So, a lot of big changes which are only now becoming evident when entering the building and the site.
The first big change back in November 2021 was the installation of the Air Source Heat Pumps, and associated water tanks. Apart from the radiators in the Master bedroom where pipework has been installed, it was a milestone to have the underfloor heating working downstairs in the bedrooms . Although not connected to the mains water, the system has been filled for this area, and is thus working. The difference in temperature was remarkable, bearing in mind there is no outer wall insulation sprayed in yet.
For greater efficiency, a 30kw multi fuel stove with back boiler, was installed into the large fireplace. A heat exchanger was also installed into the flue so that the hot air can be used for further heat rather than just go up the chimney. The back boiler will heat the water before going into the underfloor heating system, This will reduce the workload of the air source heat pumps, especially in the winter when the stove will be lit most days. In the summer, it is anticipated that solar panels will give us hot water, when we won't need to light the stove.